Friday, October 04, 2013

Cheerio! I can't believe a full week has elapsed since my last post. I was in transition and settling down in my new London digs, but now I have a few things to share ;)

I've officially arrived in London...Greenwich to be exact. I rented a beautiful room in a family's townhouse through Air B&B (highly recommend for travel lodging). Such a warm house and lovely family. The husband (Giff) is from Cambridge and his beautiful wife Martina is from Venice. Italy, not Beach ;)  Their two insanely adorable daughters, Greta (age 7) and Matilda (4) have stolen my heart. They speak Italian to their mum and it's the most wonderful sound I've heard - little girls with a British accent speaking Italian. You could eat them up. I'll post pics of them next time.

My neighborhood is really charming and near so many sights, including Cutty Sark, the Royal Naval College and Greenwich Park and its famous National Maritime Museum and Royal Observatory (home of Greenwich Mean Time and the Prime Meridian Line). I'm going there tomorrow and many more times this month, so I'll post pics soon.
Here's a pic of my hangout in Greenwich. Great bookstore and little shops:

Today I went to see Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey. It was overflowing with tourists, so I felt a bit rushed, but I got some great shots and was able to take it in. Majestic for sure. Here's Westminster:

This is the door that Princess Kate walked through on her way to the altar. It was gorgeous:

Big Ben and Parliament (as you can see the sun couldn't make up her mind):

I then stumbled upon St. James Park and took in the views. Buckingham Palace was a 7 min. walk away but I'll save it for another day. London is known for its parks and what a great intro St. James was:

My tour guide at the park...he was quite the charmer.

London Eye in the distance..

London is a fantastic city in which to wonder and get lost. So many tiny streets and hidden markets. Can't wait to explore more. I had a great afternoon with a guy I met on OKCupid. Ha! He was my 2nd date this week. Much better luck over here - go figure ;)

We walked along the South Bank of the Thames and took in the sights. Here's the London Eye and Big Ben as the clouds rolled in:

Something old and something new (the Shard - Europe's tallest building at over 1000 feet):

Couldn't stop singing Fergie's song when I saw this:

Quite a full day and I have blisters to show for it. But it's only the beginning and I can't wait to see what comes next. Hope you all have a great weekend and a special Mazel shout out to Laurie and Adam on your wedding tomorrow! Wish I could be there - have the best time!

xx jack

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