Friday, November 08, 2013

Paris in the Fall


Where to begin? The last four days in Paris have been so enjoyable. I was here in May, 1998 with my parents but feel like this was the first time all over again. The spring here is beautiful, but I think being here with the changing foliage takes the cake. Although it drizzled almost every day, the sun always made itself known at the most perfect times! You'll see in the pictures what I mean.

I wanted to stay in the same neighborhood we stayed in 15 years ago - Rue Cler (7th arrondissement near the Eiffel Tower). This was my view from the cab to the hotel:
It just didn't feel real until I saw that tower all lit up. What a sight! I was famished upon arrival and after dropping off my bags, found this cute brasserie next door. They were about to close  but the owner put on his chef attire and quickly whipped me up a croque very first one ever! What have I been missing all these years??
Rue Cler is the most adorable cobbled stone street filled with little shops, cafes and markets. Wine, cheese, bread, meat, veggies - it's all here.  This is Rue Cler at night (they just put up the holiday decorations but didn't light them yet):
Me and Eiffel. 

Flower stand on Rue Cler:

I spent a day in the Marais, the old Jewish quarter, which is now a bustling and fashionable district filled with trendy cafes and hip galleries. It has a Soho feel -- you can easily get lost in the tiny windy streets, which I did of course. But that's the fun of it ;)

I first visited the Place des Vosges, the oldest planned square in Paris and prior home to Victor Hugo (from 1832-1848). I visited his old mansion which is now a museum. Here's a few pics of the square:

Rue des Rosiers is still the center of the Paris Jewish community and I read about the best falafel place, so I had to try it. I couldn't even take a picture of my falafel pita since they brought it over dripping with some magic sauce. Sorry, but I scarfed it down. If you're in Paris, eat here. Worth it.
More places around that area:

For dinner that night I emulated the Parisians during my walk along Rue Cler: I stopped by the charcuterie for some salami, the boulangerie for a baguette and a pear tarte, the fromagerie for some cheese and the wine shop. It's like an event! Here's the final product:

Note the teacup full of wine. That's all I could find in my hotel lobby. 

Yesterday I walked throughout the Latin Quarter and along Rue St Germain. Such a hopping area - not a shortage of things to see and eat. I continued to pass windows like this:
Side note: this was definitely a culinary visit. London wasn't so much for me except the markets. Paris just screams carbs! I have had my fill and have enjoyed it, but I'm craving salads more than ever! Luckily I'm walking for hours every day and always run the stairs in the metro stations, but man it's tough -- once I wake up and it's a new day, the carbs just look so good again..ha! I could never live here. My jeans would be so pissed at me.

OK. I digress. I stopped by Saint-Sulpice church after lunch, which was beautiful inside. It's very close to the Jardin du Luxembourg, and has such a presence when you round the corner - just pops out at you.
Then I arrived at my happy place in Paris. Luxembourg Gardens...exquisite. Here's more foliage pics of course:
I sat by the large pond in front of the Luxembourg Palace (seat of the French senate) and took out my pear tarte I had bought that morning. I don't know what happened but I just started laughing out loud! Several things were occurring simultaneously...the setting was insane. The rain had just stopped and the sky was magic. The tart was the most delicious thing I'd ever eaten. In My Life. And then I saw the Eiffel Tower in the distance. It just all hit me. This trip and how lucky I am. I literally couldn't stop laughing, and then I of course teared up a bit. Maybe it was just a physical and emotional reaction to all that's transpired in the last few weeks, months, maybe years. I'll never forget that moment, or that tart. 
Today was my last day here. I had to return to Musee D'Orsay - once wasn't enough years ago. I took tons of photos but won't bore you with them. I remained on the impressionist floor for most of my visit (Degas, Monet and Manet). My favorite museum on the planet. I walked along both islands of the Seine (Ile de la Cité and Ile St. Louis) - here's some shots of Notre Dame (my hair looked good when I left the hotel every morning and then frizzed up - no stopping it in this weather):

Along my stroll, I came across these two women and had to capture their outfits for you all:
More pics from the islands (including the "love lock" bridge):
I SO enjoyed my lunch today (only sit-down lunch this week) -- spinach and goat cheese quiche with salad and wine. And for dessert I stopped by the famous ice cream shop (thanks Mom!) called Berthillon (I had coconut and coffee). YUM.
Finis! Thank you Paris for a delightful interlude before my tour starts tomorrow...I hope I'll return next time with a beau. Paris is great either way, but I'd love to experience gazing at the Eiffel Tower with my man by my side. What can I say - I'm a romantic ;)

Off to Berlin tomorrow! I'll write revoir for now! xx jack


  1. they just keep getting better!!!!!!!

  2. Omg - You have done Paris right! It looks amazing and you have really captured the beauty of it! I love it! I feel like I am there with you!
    Hope you keep having an amazing time everywhere else you go!
    Kirsty xxx

  3. Hi Jackie! I am loving your blog, your amazing photos, and equally fantastic interpretations of everything you are experiencing on this fantastic journey. I didn't know what a talented photographer and writer you were until now. And all these amazing photos are taken on your iphone? Wow! Thanks again for the invite to join you! Love, Barbara
